Not customs cleared? Welcome anyway
To streamline the traffic flow into the Port of Helsingborg, export units that are not yet customs cleared are welcome through the gate. The aim is to facilitate the incoming traffic. The new rule is effective from the 1st of May 2021.
The Port of Helsingborg has previously chosen not to allow export units within the port area without a guaranteed clearance. This has never been a requirement on the part of the Swedish Customs Authorities but has served as an extra control function. From May 1st, truckers can pass through the gate without a complete export customs clearance.
The responsibility for making sure that a unit is customs cleared lies with the shipper. The declarant must submit a correct customs declaration and request clearance, either himself or through a representative. When the Swedish Customs Authorities has approved the declaration and released the cargo for export (customs cleared), they receive an MRN number (Master Reference Number) and an export accompanying document, EAD (Export Accompanying Document).
Shippers who don´t want to have their uncleared cargo in the port may reconcile this with their trucker. All export units must be cleared through customs before the vessel can leave the port. Shipping companies may have special agreements with the exporter in regards to when the cargo must be cleared at the latest.
The shipping company is responsible for all export cargo being cleared before the vessel departs. The shipping company sends a manifest with MRN to MSW (Maritime Single Window), where the Swedish Customs can collect the information.
With hopes for a more efficient cargo flow through the gate at Port of Helsingborg.
Questions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Lars Abrahamsson, System Manager
Phone: +46 (0) 42 10 62 51