
Hamnkontor byggnad


The City of Helsingborg owns the Port of Helsingborg. Based on our owner’s directive, we aim to be the most modern port in the Nordic region. The Port of Helsingborg is an efficient and profitable port that generates revenue for our owners.

We help make Helsingborg an attractive and vibrant city to live and work for both people and businesses, provide the business community with development opportunities, and support the creation of jobs.

Our management team is comprised of one representative from each department within the Port.

Our Management Team

Bart Steijaert, Chief Executive Officer

Iréne Olsson, Executive Assistant

Christina Argelius, Chief Technical Officer

Josefin Gorthe Skafar, Chief Financial Officer

Sanjin Redzepagic, Chief Information Officer

Jonnie Åkesson, Chief Human Resources Officer

Joakim Sandberg, Chief Security Officer

Our Board

The Board is appointed on a four-year term by the City Council in Helsingborg on the proposition from the City Council’s Election Committee. The board members are politically appointed in proportion to the respective party’s number of members in the municipal council. A member is elected on non-political merits.

Board members

Maria Hägg (M), chair

Fredrik Dersell (S), vice chair

Nihad Sarajlic (M)

Jimmy Åstrand  (SD)

Marie Nilsson (S)

Thomas Nordström (S)

Catarina Karlsson

Lars Karlsson


Per Andersson (M)

Kaj Ridell (M)

Jens Högberg (SD)

Ian Karlemark (C)

Union representatives

Daniel Böcker

Andreas Böcker

Stefan Karjalainen

Our organisation is driven by our mission and owner directives

Read more about how we operate based on our owner’s directive and our strategic direction in the Annual Report! (Only available in swedish)