The City of Helsingborg’s vision
”… the year 2035 The City of Helsingborg strives to be a creative, vibrant, inclusive, global and balanced city for citizens and businesses. The City should be exciting, attractive and sustainable.”
The vision guides the direction and development of The City and subsequently also influences the direction of The Port. The core is about sustainability and how it applies to new development, the logistic sector, and the environment. It also highlights the balance between creating a vibrant and tranquil environment in The City with a focus on the triple bottom line.
The Port of Helsingborg shall be a competitive logistic hub for both sea and land transports with a focus on safety, sustainability and customer service.
Global challanges
Significant changes in our society are required so we, in an efficient manner, can address global challenges such as climate change and overconsumption of resources, caused by packaging and material use, global transportation networks, waste production and population growth.
Long-term sustainable investments in climate measures are considered to reduce the negative impact of climate damage from stronger and more frequent storms, rising sea levels, disruptions in the logistic supply chain, as well as the social aspects and the impact on the local community.

Port of Helsingborg’s Sustainability Policy
The Port of Helsingborg intends to be the most modern port in the Nordic region. Therefore, we are at the forefront of running all aspects of our port operation in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner, all while applying the precautionary principle.
The Port of Helsingborg shall…
- …contribute to more intelligent and more efficient transport solutions that create job opportunities and development possibilities within the regional business community.
- …enabling faster and more efficient maritime transports. Increase the amount of cargo transported to and from The Port by rail, as cargo shipped by sea and rail have significantly less environmental impact per transported ton cargo than conventional road transports.
- …strive for the smallest possible environmental impact. Environmental efforts include lowered energy consumption, reduced soil pollution and remediation of contaminated land areas, reduced emissions, and lowered noise levels within The Port’s operations.
- …create a safe and developing work environment for the employees. The Port shall systematically work to minimize risks and prioritize The Port’s safety work.
- …collaborate with and influence customers and suppliers to contribute to a sustainable society, both as part of the world’s logistic chains and in the local community.
- …discourage corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.
- …support and respect the internationally recognized Human Rights, The Freedom of Association and The Collective Bargaining Agreements.

The Port’s sustainability report
The Port of Helsingborg’s sustainability report is prepared according to GRI Standards and the Global Reporting Initiative’s guidelines. It covers all the essential principles of the UN’s Global Compact, which describes international principles regarding human rights, labour laws, the environment and corruption aimed at companies.
GRI is also The Port’s tool to fulfil the EU Directive 2014/95/EU requirements, which in Sweden has been introduced through changes in the Annual Accounts Act.
The Port of Helsingborgs sustainability report is produced in Swedish and can be read through the link below:
Sustainable approach
Sustainable logistic supply chains
90 percent of Sweden’s imports and exports go through Swedish ports. Maritime transport connects countries, markets, and people while being the most energy-efficient form of transport. Cargo that are transported by ship and rail cause significantly less environmental impact per transported ton compared to conventional truck transports.
The Port of Helsingborg is Sweden’s second-largest container port and a logistics hub for Helsingborg, Skåne and southern Sweden. With an immediate connection to the rail network and two European roads, The Port has a geographical location that enables transport modes that are both cost and environmentally efficient, assisting the industry to efficiently get its goods in and out, to and from customers.
Efficient movements
Flexibility, efficiency, and the right competence are all significant attributes of the high pace of cargo movement within The Port. Transport by rail is a green and sound business that is both environmentally friendly and cost- and time-effective.
The logistic flow is held together with well-functioning IT systems. The Port’s IT system communicates with Customs and businesses through EDIFACT, XML, web pages and mobile devices (cell phones and tablets).
Customers satisfaction
The Port of Helsingborg offers import and export companies in Skåne and southern Sweden a competitive mode of transport. Cargo owners who import and export goods get access to a container port with high call frequency and excellent connections with the important transoceanic ports in Europe.
The Port of Helsingborg strives for close working relationships and long-term standing cooperation with its customers. This translates to the continuous development of services, innovative collaboration projects and improvement of technical systems to improve the customer experience. The Port wants the most satisfied customers through high standards and quality, lead times and accuracy through both digital portals and personal channels.
The Port and surrounding city
Over the centuries, the city has grown, leading to The Port currently being located “in the heart of the city”, which previously hasn’t been a problem. The urban development in Helsingborg and overall population growth in Skåne have increased the competition between The Port being a national interest and the desire for exclusive housing close to the water.
The Port has an economic value for its owner, The City, and Helsingborg’s business community. The container port delivers a pulse and is essential for the import and export of all of Skåne and the south of Sweden.
Climate changes
In the long term, global warming will have negative climate effects as stronger and more frequent storms and rising sea levels will impact local communities and potential disruptions in the logistic supply chains. This can, for example, be in the form of floods or heat waves and will impact society and its social factors.
The Port trusts that the negative consequences from frequent storms and rising sea levels offset, by far, the positive effects, such as less snow clearing and an ice-free port. Current emissions regulation that limits global warming initially includes a short-term adjustment cost.
Logistic Hub
The port has been the main driving force for The City’s development for several centuries. The Port is Sweden’s second largest container port, a prerequisite for Helsingborg’s position as Sweden’s best logistics location.
The operations at The Port of Helsingborg and the business community directly or indirectly connected to it contribute a total of SEK 9.2 billion to the regional economy, the gross regional product (GRP), i.e. the value of the goods and services produced in the region each year. The Port’s contribution corresponds to approximately eight percent of Familjen Helsingborg’s entire BRP.
Safe Transports
The Port of Helsingborg works strategically and continuously to identify, measure, and manage risks. Accidents, criminal activity, incorrect handling, or carelessness can result in emissions or damage to facilities, machines, and people and entail a financial loss for businesses and society, which is the opposite of a sustainable community.

Code of Conduct
The Port of Helsingborg’s Code of Conduct outlines appropriate behaviour for all employees and how we shall act as responsible business partners, employers, employees, and community partners.
The Port of Helsingborg depends on our customer’s trust in what we do. By having a high degree of trust, The Port of Helsingborg can continue to be a successful business partner. The Port of Helsingborg’s Code of Conduct outlines how to behave as a business partner, employer, employee, and community partner. Our Code of Conduct is, together with our values, our key document.
As a stakeholder in Port of Helsingborg, you have an important role in raising the alarm if you suspect anything conflicts with applicable legislation or our ethical guidelines.
By providing information, you allow us to prevent or rectify a situation in which something has gone wrong. Our whistle-blower service is the preferred method to report cases where irregularities have occurred. This service has been outsourced to solutions provider PreWoe in collaboration with Mingear Support & Solutions AB.
You can access the reporting form, which is a component of the communications tool used in our whistle-blowing service, at the link below:
This tool allows for anonymous reporting, and designated persons process and investigate all reports.
About the service
Mindgear provides a third-party service for whistle-blowing, which ensures the anonymity of whistle-blowers in all communications with their employer. The service is entirely decoupled from the employer’s IT systems and web services. Mindgear does not store IP addresses or other personal data that can be linked to the whistle-blower. This makes it impossible to trace the identity of an anonymous whistle-blower. All reports are strongly encrypted and can only be decrypted by specified individuals. Mindgear itself cannot decrypt and read reports.