central gate

One way in. One way out.
The Central Gate at The Port of Helsingborg provides a secure and efficient logistic environment. Everyone who collects or delivers cargo at The Port drives through The Central Gate, where the driver’s identity and the vehicle are identified and matched with the appropriate cargo at The Port.
ISPS regulations cover the entire Port of Helsingborg, and parts of the Port are designated as a Vital Installation. Therefore, special rules apply to access the Port area. All visitors, such as drivers, contractors, and crew members, must apply for permits in advance and provide proof of identity and purpose of visit.
Access Card
can be issued to drivers who have recurring business at The Port of Helsingborg.
Pre-notify your container deliveries and pick-ups
A personal access card is needed to pre-notify your container delivery or pick-up. Applications can be made easily through the form below. The access card is issued by Helsingborg Port Security located at The Gate and will be issued on-site after submitting the application form. Drivers with containers will receive a user ID and password to log in and pre-notify their future deliveries and pick-ups at The Port.
When you pre-notify, drive through the entrance gate onto a check-in lane for an ID check. When checking in, you will know precisely where to collect or deliver your container in The Port.
If you have not pre-notified us of your container, drive to The Gate office to notify us of your business and perform an ID check.

Please note:
- Passengers accompanying drivers or other visitors are not allowed without special authorization.
- Upon arrival, valid photo identification and documents confirming the purpose of the visit are required.
- The Port of Helsingborg does not provide transport between the central gate and vessels.
For permit applications and questions regarding regulations or recommendations, contact Helsingborg Port Control at hpc@port.helsingborg.se.
Get going with pre-notification
Pre-notify here
To pre-notify through The Portal, a personal access card is required. You can apply for your personal Access Card on the link above or at Helsingborg Port Security at The Central Gate. When you have your Access Card and log-in details, you can easily pre-notify your container matter through The Portal in the main menu of our website, the link below or via your Transport Planner. There are also two self-serving terminals at The Central Gate intended for pre-notification.
When inside
All unitised cargo must be checked at The Inspection Station located inside The West Harbour.

From the E4 directly to Massgodsleden
An efficient entry and exit process save valuable time during loading and unloading. The entry through The Central Gate connects you to all five sections of The Port: The West Harbour, The Combi Terminal, The Energy Terminal, The Grain Terminal, and The Skåne Terminal.
The exit is next to the entrance. Drive through the exit gate to a check-out lane to confirm that your business has been adequately carried out.
The maximum speed inside the port area is 30 km/h, and a high visability reflective vest must be worn anytime you leave your vehicle.

Find your way to The Central Gate!
Address Central Gate:
Massgodsleden 4
Coordinates Central Gate:
WGS84 DDM (lat, long) N 56 ° 1.8258 ‘, E 12 ° 42.0027’
WGS84 DD (lat, long) 56.03043, 12.70005
RT90 6215673, 1306444
Opening hours at The Gate Office
Mon-Fri at 6.00-20.00 for pre-notified container deliveries.
Mon-Fri at 7.00-16-00 for general cargo to the warehouses at the Skåne Terminal. Register at The Gate no later than 15.00!
Other opening hours upon request.
For further information:
Call +46 (0)42-10 63 26