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Översiktsbild över Helsingborgs Hamn, ett containerfartyg på väg in

Sustainable ports as energy hubs

By Mikael Lind, Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE, Stefan Pettersson, RISE, Sandra Haraldson, RISE, Monica Axell, RISE, Almir Zerem, RISE, Jörgen Karlsson, ABB Marine & Ports, Bart Steijaert, Helsingborgs Hamn…

Information in reference to Covid-19

Due to the current situation of the outbreak of the Coronavirus COVID-19 Port of Helsingborg would like to advise the following information. International Health Regulations Port of Helsingborgs is an…

Corona update

The Port of Helsingborg is the largest container port in southern Sweden and handles a large share of Swedish exports and imports. Our focus is on the safety of our…

Nordic Ports for a Sustainable Future

Port of Helsingborg is one of ten ports in the Nordic Region who have agreed upon a declaration focusing on sustainable port management. The joint declaration shows a regional commitment…